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Invoking Magic,
Expansion, Beauty,
Peace & Light
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Hello & Welcome!

I'm Daria, an ordained priestess and award-winning artist who has been a student of art and the spiritual mysteries for over twenty years. I make picture books and oracle decks for adults and children, run a metaphysical shop called Starlight & Sphinx, and work as a healer and midwife of change. All of my offerings are in service to your spiritual empowerment and re-connection to the magic of life.


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Rev. Joy C.

“Daria has this magical ability to help you shift energy and move through challenges with ease, grace and humor. She has helped me navigate through many ‘dark nights of the soul’ with compassion and gentleness.”

Staci S.

"I am grateful to Daria for the warm and respectful space she creates in which to receive, communicate and explore the more subtle aspects of life. I've found Daria to be a powerful teacher and empathic guide, gently pointing me toward a clearer vision and a more profound relationship with my own deeper dimensions.”


“Daria is kind, caring, insightful and gentle, and her works illustrate these characteristics beautifully. I am grateful to her for the magic of her presence.”

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