A sensitive soul, I spent much of my youth in resistance to my feelings, blocking out my own pain as well as the emotions I sensed in others. I floated just outside of my body, in a fantasy of control, until the day life turned around and cracked me open. In a profound yet fleeting moment of awakening that changed everything, I realized the vastness of the Universe within my own being. My illusion of control shattered, so I began to let go. All that I had resisted slowly came to light for me to see and feel.
As I moved through layers of unfelt pain, I gained access to the space beyond it. The pure and expansive perspective I glimpsed through my awakening began to solidify. Compelled to anchor it more deeply into my everyday, I embarked on an exploration of spiritual technology through study, meditation and practice. I found tools and inspiration from multiple traditions and discovered the universal nature of spiritual truth. Every guidepost pointed in the same direction; inward.
We have all been impacted by global change over the past several years. Though some are fighting to maintain the status quo, many are heeding the call to introspect and consider our place in the world. We are opening our hearts and minds to ancient truths and new possibilities. We are seeking to experience our divinity and act in accordance with unity consciousness, our true nature. To do this we must heal, which is no easy feat. We must feel and surrender.

My work is here to support your commitment to growth. It can help you create and maintain your unique alchemical process of self-inquiry and devotion to life. When you take responsibility for your awakening, trust the guidance of Spirit and open to change, your heart and consciousness evolve. You remember how inseparable you are from everything in existence and your reality transforms in miraculous ways. This world is truly limitless. Its immense creative force, also called the Goddess, flows through all of my offerings. My art, writing and Transference Healings® provide a space in which you can connect to the magic of life and allow it to express itself through you.

Mystery School Level 4 with Alexis Cartwright, Aix-en-Provence, France.
Mystery School Level 3 with Alexis Cartwright, Florence, Italy.
Mystery School Level 2 with Alexis Cartwright, Paphos, Cyprus.
Mystery School Level 1 with Alexis Cartwright, Kildare, Ireland.
Fundamental, Advanced and Teacher Training with Alexis Cartwright, Transference Healing®
, Online.
Her Mystery School with Jumana Sophia, Online.
Priestess Ordination and Officiant Training with Josephine MacMillan, Belladonna Priestess Sanctuary, Berkeley, CA.
The Teacher’s Group with John Fulton, Aesclepion Healing Center.
Doula Certification Training, American River College, Sacramento, CA.
Laughter Yoga Teacher Training, Sebastopol, CA.
Clairvoyant Training with Laura Peppard, Reno Psychic Institute, Reno, NV.
Clairvoyant Training with Katyanna Gabriel, Vancouver, BC.
Kids Yoga Teacher Training with Mala, Vancouver, BC.
Yoga Teacher Training with Sandra Sammartino, Vancouver, BC.
MFA in Visual Art, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC.
BFA in Visual Art, The Cooper Union, New York, NY.